
Please phone our receptionists to make an appointment with a doctor, nurse practitioner or nurse. 

We strongly encourage our patients to see the same doctor or nurse practitioner.  The sessions each of our doctors, nurse practitioner and nurses work are:


Doctors / Nurse Practitioner

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

Ian Currie

Gill Currie

Charlotte Cooper

Emma Broughton

Ian Currie
Gill Currie

Charlotte Cooper

Emma Broughton

Ian Currie
Charlotte Cooper

Emma Broughton

Ian Currie
Charlotte Cooper

Ian Currie
Gill Currie

Charlotte Cooper


Ian Currie
Charlotte Cooper
Emma Broughton

Ian Currie

Gill Currie
Les Toop 

Emma Broughton

Gill Currie

Les Toop

Charlotte Cooper


Ian Currie
Gill Currie

Ian Currie


Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

Shyrell Friedberg

Catherine Chapman

Shyrell Friedberg

Catherine Chapman

Shyrell Friedberg
Catherine Chapman

Shyrell Friedberg
Catherine Chapman

Shyrell Friedberg
Catherine Chapman


Shyrell Friedberg

Catherine Chapman

Shyrell Friedberg

Catherine Chapman

Shyrell Friedberg
Catherine Chapman

Shyrell Friedberg
Catherine Chapman

Shyrell Friedberg
Catherine Chapman


If you need to be seen at a time when your doctor or nurse practitioner is not available (they may have no free appointments or may not be in the practice) you:

  • may be offered an appointment with another provider OR one of our nurses will phone you to work out which of the following is best.
  • seeing your usual provider as an 'emergency' appointment for the day.
  • seeing one of our other providers.
  • going to the 24 Hour Surgery or the Emergency Department.
  • Sometimes advice on the phone is all that is needed.